February 24th, 2020 · 5 min read
Infographic: Employee survey reveals the need for a strategic approach to employee education

Most corporate-sponsored training programs today typically have good intentions but mixed results because they do not fully consider the needs of both learners and employers.
In a recent study we did with Bain & Company, we surveyed employees at Fortune 500 companies to gauge their awareness, understanding, and interest in corporate-sponsored training programs, as well as to understand the major drivers and barriers to application and enrollment. We found that:
- Only 2% of employees are actually using their employer's programs
- 80% of employees said they were interested in going back to school while working
which means that these programs simply are not working, and are underutilized as a valuable asset for recruiting and retaining talent.
What leads to the disconnect between sky-high interest in employer programs and scant participation?
A key finding the whitepaper delves into is the reason for the chasm between the sizable number of employees interested in pursuing a degree and the dismal number of employees engaged with their corporate-sponsored training programs.
Read more in the full whitepaper: InStride: Employee Survey Reveals the Need for a Strategic Approach to Employee Education.
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