April 19th, 2021 · 2 min read
Infographic: The skills opportunity defining the healthcare industry

The demand for healthcare workers is higher than ever and projected to grow, adding more jobs than any other occupational group. According to the Labor Department, the U.S. healthcare industry is expected to expand by 15 percent, adding 2.4 million new jobs from 2019-2029.
However, filling these positions is a challenge.
That’s why it’s important to create education and career paths to meet the demand for healthcare workers and propel the industry forward.
This infographic illustrates the skills, education and training required to fill in-demand healthcare roles, including:
- Patient care technicians
- Nurses
- Leadership
To get your own copy, download the infographic.
Ready to take action on skills gaps within your own organization? Access our step-by-step guide to learn how to reskill your workforce.
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