InStride first to introduce workforce education offering for franchisesRead More

October 9th, 2020

Study: business leaders continue to prioritize investments in workforce education and talent development despite pandemic

  • Education programs will continue to be offered in the 2020-2021 academic year. 88% of all respondents said their company offered an education program prior to COVID-19 with the majority (80%) noting that they’ll likely offer a program for this academic year.
  • Business leaders (80%) say their organization will likely offer a program that pays for employees or family members to earn a degree. Respondents agree that providing employees access to college degree opportunities (82%) and high school diplomas (65%) is a critical part of their organizations’ business strategy. 
  • Workforce education helps meet diversity and inclusion goals. 92% of business leaders agree that a strategic workforce education program should help an organization meaningfully achieve its D&I goals. The majority (76%) of respondents note that providing employees access to English-language opportunities is a critical part of their business strategy.
  • When investing in employee education, organizations look for customizable programs with a diverse set of offerings. 65% say their organization would be interested in a combination of baseline credential and degrees+ skills training programs, and 64% are interested in a certificates and credentials-focused program.

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