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December 10th, 2022 · 4 min read

How a talent marketplace can elevate your L&D strategy

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What is a talent marketplace?

Internal talent marketplace vs. external talent marketplace

What is a talent marketplace used for?

  • Upskilling or reskilling courses
  • Educational opportunities, such as degree or certificate programs
  • Job openings available to internal employees
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Cross-functional assignments that allow employees to broaden their skill set
  • Mentorship or sponsorship programs 
  • Short-term projects outside of an individual’s regular responsibilities

Benefits of talent marketplaces for employees

Benefits of talent marketplaces for businesses

Promote skills visibility and internal career mobility

skills gap analysis cta

Spread greater awareness of your L&D initiatives

Boost retention and engagement

The value of a talent marketplace

You can address talent development challenges